Tuesday, 20 November 2012

My Guardian Angel Has No Wings... She Has a Tail

Although I have introduced you all to my beloved four-legged friend, I have yet to tell you the amazing story of how we ended up together... so, here it goes...

Before I got my darling little angel, I was going through a really tough time. I had been through a pretty traumatic experience and had pretty much lost all hope. I was severely depressed, not eating and had gone from being a smiling, positive person to a shadow of myself. When I got my pup, I weighed 42 kilograms. I remember the very first time I saw her. We were visiting the SPCA looking to adopt a puppy to help me to forget about the past... there were about 6 or 7 Jack Russel/Dachshund puppies, but my eye instantly went to the little brown one on the right. She was staring at me from behind the bars and when I knelt down, she put her little paw through bars and touched my hand. It was love. Instant love. After a couple of seconds, I got up, said to my mom 'that's the one', and left. We signed the papers and, after they sent her in to be spayed, we were able to take my little angel home with us. 

Right from the start, I knew something was wrong. Although she was energetic, she was vomiting regularly and had a terrible runny tummy. That same day, we took her to the vet. She told us that she was going to check her for Parvo, which is a horrible virus that is excruciating and deadly to most puppies. We were so worried, but thankfully, the test came back negative. The vet sent us away with some antibiotics and told us that Snooki must have just eaten something funny. 

As the days went by, her condition did not change. In fact, it got worse. She started sleeping more and her runny tummy was pretty much like water. After about a day, we got a call from the vet telling us that we would have to bring Snooki in again because one of the other puppies from her litter had just been diagnosed with Parvo. Knowing how contagious the disease is, we knew that Snooki had it too. Now, the chances of survival are incredibly slim if a young puppy picks up the disease, so you can imagine how distraught I was. I was so in love with this dog and, although I had only had her for a few days, she was my everything. I lost my mind. I cannot even remember much from that day... I am pretty sure that I had a breakdown.

That same day we were called back, and another vet told us that there was little chance for survival and that we should take her home where she could be comfortable. I couldn't believe it. I was so lost. That night, Snooki was so weak she could not even lift her head. It was the worst night of my life. Parvovirus literally eats away a dog's intestines so that, even if the dog does eat or drink, very little is actually absorbed. That is why most dogs die from dehydration before the virus itself can kill them. The pain is apparently excruciating. Watching my little one who was so innocent, so sweet and so loving go through that was unbearable. I stayed up with her all night trying to give her a re-hydrating solution (that I had made) through a tiny syringe. Most times she would just vomit it up, but she kept some of it down. To this day, I am sure that my loving words and that solution are the only two things that kept her alive until morning. 

As the sun rose, we jumped, desperate, into the car and drove back to the vet. This time, Shabeer Bhoola was there. He is truly my hero and was the one who gave me hope again. He told me that he could save her. He admitted her and put her on a drip for the dehydration. Then, all that was left to do was to wait and to see if she had the strength to fight the virus... and to beat it. I visited her every single day at the vet and every single time, despite being in pain, she would get excited to see me and would touch my hand with her paw just as she had done the day that we first met.

After a week at the vet, Shabeer gave her the all clear. She had done it! My baby had won! She was the only puppy from her litter who had survived. She was going to be fine. I was so happy. Being able to have her in my life was the best gift I have ever received and I will always be eternally grateful to Shabeer for saving her. Shabeer is an amazing man and I have so much respect not only for his ability to work so well with animals, but also for his heart. This man has a heart of gold. He is my hero, and always will be.

Today, Snooki is 1 and a half years old and is the most energetic, lovable, loyal and happiest dog in the world. She is the light of my life and makes each day a million times better. She is my other half, my soul mate. She is my angel without wings. I love you so much my Snooks. 

 “If you don't own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.”
Roger Caras


Friday, 16 November 2012

Happy Birthday, My Darling- Kyle Alexi Anderson

It is one of my closest friend's birthdays today... the one and only Kyle Alexi Anderson. I thought I would dedicate this blog post to him in order to show just how much I care :) Although we do not see each other as often as we used to, you are still always in my heart and thoughts... I am so tremendously proud of you. We have been friends since grade 2... and Kyle and Bianca... will be friends forever!

The Valentine's Ball- 2007:

 Matric Vac- 2008:
 Rocky Horror- 2007:

 Forcing me to go clubbing (hahaha) 2010:

Rocky Horror- 2007:

 Matric Dance- 2008:

Matric Dance After-Party- 2008:

S&M Photo Shoot (hahaha) 2009:

 Jacuzzi Fun with the Andersons-2009:

Drinks- 2010:

 Messing Around (I obviously was NOT having a good day if my makeup-less face is anything to go by LOL)- 2012:

Thanks for the good times, angelpop! Hopefully we are going to have plenty more. Love you muchly.


Monday, 12 November 2012


People say that respect is earned. I disagree with this statement entirely. I believe that everybody deserves respect unless they give you a reason that proves that they don't deserve it. Trust, however, is a very different story. Today I would like to share with you a lesson that I have learned over the last few years...

In my teens I was probably one of the most trusting people alive. As innocent as I was, I never expected anyone to have anything other than good intentions. After all, why would anyone want to betray someone? Or purposely cause somebody else pain? Turns out, this was probably the most naive view of the human race I could ever have had. After being thoroughly screwed over by someone who I loved and trusted with my whole heart, I started to realise that very few people can really be trusted. The truth is- it is probably a bad idea to trust ANYONE.

Trust is dangerous. Trust makes you vulnerable and it gives others power over you. If you don't expect people to be loyal, or you don't expect people to do what they say they will, then they cannot surprise you in any way when they aren't or they don't. While I realise that this is probably a negative and cynical view to possess, at least nobody can hurt me, right?

Trust is not a word that should be taken lightly. When one says 'I trust you.' it actually means that they are placing their life, their feelings into your hands. It is a huge responsibility... which is why when I know that people trust ME, I work very hard in order to make sure that I don't let them down. Unfortunately, not many people value trust as highly as I do.

I feel as though I must apologise for the negativity of this post... but a big part of my inspiration for my writing comes from analysing human flaws, pain and the interconnectedness of us all. And yes, I have trust issues. Severe trust issues. But hey, that's me! I just had to get all of that out into the open. *Phew* I feel so much better now!

Anyway, hopefully I am feeling a little bit more cheerful as the week goes on... you may be able to expect a happier post in a few days time. But, trust me, you can never really be sure *wink*


Sunday, 4 November 2012

SEO, SEO and More SEO

Working as a copywriter for a SEO company means that you learn something new everyday! Here are a few interesting tips for South African businesses to take into consideration when creating, or updating, their company websites.
  1. Write unique, new and interesting content for your website: By writing articles for you website on a regular basis, you are utilising keywords relevant to your product that could come up when internet users use Google to search
  2. Use Titles on EVERY page: Use unique titles for each page and avoid using symbols such as * / & @ in these titles.
  3. Host your website on a South African Domain - .co.za
  4. Use Headers: Use the formatting buttons at the top of Microsoft Word (H1 and H2) to indicate importance and highlight services you which to emphasise.
  5. Avoid using Flash: Flash is invisible to Google

For more information and other amazing SEO tips, be sure to visit Ipcoweb's website!

Have a great week, everyone!


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

Purely because everybody has been raving about this book, I just had to read it to see what all the fuss was about. I must say, despite the fact that I found the writing to be slightly juvenile, I enjoyed it. Why? Duh. Christian Grey.

 In the fantasy world, I find Christian's character to be undeniably sexy, however, in reality, if a man tried to control everything I did, I would probably laugh in his face and throw him through a window. I give EL James serious kudos for being able to make Christian's character so likeable and- even more amazingly- irresistible. Anastasia's character, on the other hand, was a little bit less endearing. Her awkwardness got really old, really fast and she began to annoy me pretty early on in the book. She is a little bit too pathetic and naive to be entirely 'relatable'. Her childlike thoughts and qualities put a dampener on the 'boiling over sex pot' that is Christian Grey. Despite this though, the dynamics of their relationship are still very interesting and,  ultimately, make her character tolerable. Hopefully she becomes a little bit more mature as the trilogy continues.

This is a book that makes it possible for people all around the world to embrace their sexualities and to not feel 'dirty' or 'strange' for exploring- or wanting to explore- the realms of the 'taboo'. I love the freedom that the book allowed me to experience and I cannot wait to read the next two books of the 'Fifty Shades' trilogy. Even if this is not your kind of novel (I must admit, it wasn't mine either), it is a must-read. I have a small feeling that it could become the next 'big thing' and even exceed the popularity of the 'Twilight' series!

Till next time...


Saturday, 27 October 2012

Kindle- The Best Present Ever!

Happy Saturday everyone :) As usual, I am at home enjoying some mindless TV with my fantastic mother (the social scene is not really my thing). Now, before I go to bed to indulge in my brand new (belated) birthday gift, I thought I would share my opinion with you... the Kindle is the greatest invention EVER. Seriously, while I understand the sentimentality when it comes to a tangible book- the smell, the feel of the pages between your fingers... in truth, all of that means nothing at all when you compare it to the convenience of a Kindle. Here are the reasons why I am in love with my Kindle:
  • Great Discounts: You can buy books for HALF the price you would pay for them in a conventional book shop- this includes best sellers... AND the classics (Jane Austen, Charles Dickens etc.) are FREE,
  • Instant Access: Once you have purchased your book, it automatically downloads onto your Kindle. You can read it right there and then!
  • Font Size: You can adjust the font size of the book you are reading to suit your preferences- great for people like me with bad eyesight.
  • Percentage Progress Bar: The Kindle does not show page numbers, but rather shows you a status bar which tells you the percentage of the book that you have read, as well as the different chapters. With ordinary books, I tend to get pretty OCD about page numbers- with the Kindle I can relax and just enjoy the story. FAB.
  • Storage: The Kindle can store hundreds of books, so you can keep your entire library in one place- AND it only weighs a few grams. 

There are so many other reasons, I just can't record them all. But seriously... take my advice- if you are a reader, this is the ideal gadget for you! Save a tree, buy a Kindle! You will never, ever look back.

Hope you all have an eventful weekend... as for me, I am off to hop in the bath and then I am jumping straight into bed to enjoy my latest, greatest toy ;) Ciao for now.


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

FREE Internet Marketing Workshops

Is anyone out there interested in attending FREE internet marketing and SEO workshops? The company I work for, Ipcoweb, frequently holds these workshops and they are becoming more and more popular as the days go by. Guys, seriously, I cannot explain to you just how beneficial these workshops can be if you own a business. The SEO tips that you will receive are truly priceless and will make all the difference when it comes to learning how to take advantage of the internet for the marketing of your business.

The Ipcoweb internet marketing/SEO workshops cover the following topics and more:    

  • How do I get on Google? How do I increase your ranking using SEO techniques and strategies?
  • How to SEO like an expert. Which techniques for SEO are ethical and which are not.
  • What is PPC?
  • How do I get PPC?
  • How do I use Google analytics with my Website? How often should I use Google analytics?
  • Do I need a website for my small business? How will having a website improve my small business and generate new clients?
  • What is the difference between a sponsored link and organic links? Why are backlinks necessary?
  • How will the Google Panda Update affect my ranking?
  • Basic ad words and what to do with your vouchers
  • Creating an effective key word strategy and why regular keyword research is so imperative.
  • The different types of keywords
  • SEM
Take advantage of this opportunity and look out for the dates and times of our next workshop. You will be so glad you came!


Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sister Reunion

This blog post is dedicated to my brave, beautiful, hilarious, intelligent, crazy sister, Roxanne Leigh Delport. I saw her again last weekend for the first time in 10 years. You know that someone is really and truly your sister when you have been apart for so long and yet, when you see each other again, it is as though you have never been separated at all. I love you, big sis. I can't wait to see you again.

"Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister?"  ~Alice Walker

"Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister. " ~Katherine Mansfield

"Sisters are different flowers from the same garden."  ~Author Unknown

"When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?"  ~Pam Brown

"Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow."  ~Benjamin Disraeli

 "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life."  ~Isadora James

Sisters forever <3


Friday, 12 October 2012

It's a Miracle!

I am so happy right now!  I have just experienced a miracle! Where do I start?

Right, so those who know me are aware of the fact that I am a HUGE animal lover and I literally wouldn't hurt a fly (once, there was a fly buzzing around my head while I was trying to sleep and I tried to shoo it away without really looking. The next thing I knew, I had accidentally smashed it against the wall and murdered the poor thing. I had a funeral for it the next day. Yes, seriously).
So, every single night, before I go to bed, I put food out for the hungry birds to eat in the morning. I have a bird feeder for the smaller ones (although the pigeons still  manage to get inside and chow down somehow) and I sprinkle bread crumbs on the ground for the larger birds. Then, every morning, as I drink my first cup of tea, I sit and watch them eat. Over the few months that I jave been doing this, the birds have become like my children. I know most of them and have even named a few. Recently, they have become a bit more tame and don't tend to fly away when I come outside. I really love my birds.

Now, my little dog has got an obsession with chasing birds and she's really,really quick. Today she caught one of my pigeons. Somehow she got the poor little thing stuck under a tarpaulin and I heard her shaking it really aggressively. When I shouted at her, she dropped it and came running out from underneath the cover. I was so upset, in tears and bawling my eyes out. When I lifted up the cover, the bird was motionless and looked like it had a broken neck. Devastated, I ran back inside and cried myself sick. I felt so guilty that I had let something like this happen to one of my birds! After a good half an hour of sobbing, I went back outside to get my bird so that I could bury it. The bloody thing was walking around and chowing bread crumbs like nothing had ever happened!!! I could not believe it! Besides a few ruffled feathers around his neck, he was perfectly fine. All that I can think of is that my pup must have knocked the poor thing unconscious? Either that, or it was a real miracle! My birdie is alive. Hallelujah!


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

A Dream Within a Dream

Hi folks,

A while ago, someone very special to me introduced me to the works of the impeccable genius, Edgar Allan Poe. He is truly hypnotic and I find that whenever I read his poetry, I am able to conjure up a detailed mental picture according to the feelings that the poems evoke within me. It is rare for that to happen... so, I would like to share with you one of my favourite Poe poems, 'A Dream Within a Dream':

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream? 


Or a nightmare within a nightmare...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Hi everyone,

So although I am a copywriter, I am also an avid poet and enthusiastic creative writer. My greatest inspiration? *drum roll* LOVE. Surprise, surprise! I don't think there is anything else in this world that is more interesting or more enticing than love and all of its horrors. I say 'horrors' because there is an extremely ugly side to love as well as a beautiful one. The fact is that you are never more vulnerable than when you are in love. Trusting someone completely is a dangerous state of affairs and can often end in disaster. I have experienced that before... it still haunts me... but damn, it sure makes for some amazing inspiration.

I know of many people who come near to killing themselves for their art. They do not allow themselves happiness... they thrive on pain and sorrow. It's not healthy, but, because of it, they are truly masters of creation. Is extraordinary art worth putting yourself through hell over and over again? I suppose the answer to that is subjective...



Friday, 28 September 2012

Facebook and Business

Hi everyone!

I have been AWOL for a while now. Things have just been crrrrrrazy hectic! I am back though, so all is well! *wink*

Anyway, today I wrote an article about using Facebook as a springboard for getting the name of your business 'out there' and thought I would share some of it with you... 

Facebook offers businesses all around the world priceless opportunities for online marketing (they actually ARE priceless seeing as though they are FREEEEEEE!) It would be silly for a business, regardless of its size, not to take advantage of Facebook- and social media in general- as a marketing tool. 
Many people believe that Facebook was made solely to stay in contact with friends and family. This, however, could not be further from the truth! Facebook and business have recently become synonymous with one another and there are businesses all over the world taking full advantage of this specific social networking site’s features. It is now easier than ever to advertise your business or company on Facebook- completely free of charge!

The best part about Facebook? It gives you the opportunity to become aware of what your already existing clients are thinking, what they need, and what they want. This is invaluable when it comes to tailoring your services and products- you will be able to give them EXACTLY what they are looking for, thus maintaining your client base with ease.  

If you own a business, you should make sure that you have a firm social media strategy in place. It could mean the difference between a business's failure or success! If you simply don't have time to handle your Facebook page for business or to keep up to date with all of your business social media, feel free to give us at Ipcoweb a call. After all, online marketing and SEO is what we do better than any other company in South Africa!

Check out this other article I wrote about how to get the most out of Facebook for business. 

Keep well guys!
