Right, so those who know me are aware of the fact that I am a HUGE animal lover and I literally wouldn't hurt a fly (once, there was a fly buzzing around my head while I was trying to sleep and I tried to shoo it away without really looking. The next thing I knew, I had accidentally smashed it against the wall and murdered the poor thing. I had a funeral for it the next day. Yes, seriously).
So, every single night, before I go to bed, I put food out for the hungry birds to eat in the morning. I have a bird feeder for the smaller ones (although the pigeons still manage to get inside and chow down somehow) and I sprinkle bread crumbs on the ground for the larger birds. Then, every morning, as I drink my first cup of tea, I sit and watch them eat. Over the few months that I jave been doing this, the birds have become like my children. I know most of them and have even named a few. Recently, they have become a bit more tame and don't tend to fly away when I come outside. I really love my birds.
Now, my little dog has got an obsession with chasing birds and she's really,really quick. Today she caught one of my pigeons. Somehow she got the poor little thing stuck under a tarpaulin and I heard her shaking it really aggressively. When I shouted at her, she dropped it and came running out from underneath the cover. I was so upset, in tears and bawling my eyes out. When I lifted up the cover, the bird was motionless and looked like it had a broken neck. Devastated, I ran back inside and cried myself sick. I felt so guilty that I had let something like this happen to one of my birds! After a good half an hour of sobbing, I went back outside to get my bird so that I could bury it. The bloody thing was walking around and chowing bread crumbs like nothing had ever happened!!! I could not believe it! Besides a few ruffled feathers around his neck, he was perfectly fine. All that I can think of is that my pup must have knocked the poor thing unconscious? Either that, or it was a real miracle! My birdie is alive. Hallelujah!

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