Wednesday, 24 October 2012

FREE Internet Marketing Workshops

Is anyone out there interested in attending FREE internet marketing and SEO workshops? The company I work for, Ipcoweb, frequently holds these workshops and they are becoming more and more popular as the days go by. Guys, seriously, I cannot explain to you just how beneficial these workshops can be if you own a business. The SEO tips that you will receive are truly priceless and will make all the difference when it comes to learning how to take advantage of the internet for the marketing of your business.

The Ipcoweb internet marketing/SEO workshops cover the following topics and more:    

  • How do I get on Google? How do I increase your ranking using SEO techniques and strategies?
  • How to SEO like an expert. Which techniques for SEO are ethical and which are not.
  • What is PPC?
  • How do I get PPC?
  • How do I use Google analytics with my Website? How often should I use Google analytics?
  • Do I need a website for my small business? How will having a website improve my small business and generate new clients?
  • What is the difference between a sponsored link and organic links? Why are backlinks necessary?
  • How will the Google Panda Update affect my ranking?
  • Basic ad words and what to do with your vouchers
  • Creating an effective key word strategy and why regular keyword research is so imperative.
  • The different types of keywords
  • SEM
Take advantage of this opportunity and look out for the dates and times of our next workshop. You will be so glad you came!



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