So, as a copy writer for an SEO company, you are often told to write articles for businesses that sell products that you know absolutely ZIP about. This happens to me occasionally- especially when dealing with technologically-minded companies. Before starting out as a copy writer I had no clue what VOIP, VPN or arduino was. I didn't even know what a pallet was (shameful, I know) but it's amazing how much you learn in such a short space of time! It's also amazing that when writing for a product that you STILL don't understand (after having researched for HOURS) you tend to be the most creative you've ever been! Sometimes I don't know what the heck it is or does, but I setill sell the sh*t out of that product anyway (hahahahaha!)
Today I wrote for a really nice company that I feel like sharing with the world. The company is called 'Fabric-A-Brac' and they sell dress materials and offer sewing/knitting courses to the public. Doesn't sound overly exciting- but sometimes you find that you fall in love with the essence and personality of a company when you write for them. This is one of those companies that I look forward to writing for again.
Anyways, it's National Women's Day today- a public holiday in SA for most (but not for workaholics like me)- so I thought I would give a shout out to all those special ladies out there. I find this holiday to be a little bit hypocritical- and sometimes patronising- but I believe that women really don't receive the appreciation that they deserve, so why not? Let's celebrate each other!
Don't forget to visit for more info about our free Google SEO workshops or to sign up for one of our SEO packages. You may be lucky enough to have one of your articles written by me :P hehehe.
I really like your blogspot and your candid approach to selling the shit out of products is exactly right, please keep up the excellent writing! Got to pay those bills!