Sorry for disappearing on you for so long- I must have gotten swept up in all of the December festivities. It has taken me a while to finally get into the start of the new year!
Anyway, I thought that it would be a great idea to start the 2013 off by reviewing a book that I read a couple of weeks ago. It is called 'A Cabinet of Wonders' by Renee Dodd and is truly one of the finest pieces of literature that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It focuses on the many different characters that exist in a specific (fictitious) freak show back in the 1920s. Delving into their personalities one by one, it is almost as though Renee knew them as close, personal friends. Her characters are like melted chocolate pouring down your throat... smooth, intense, glorious, natural. She is one of the most talented writers out there. Very few others have been able to bring charcters to life like she has. WOW is all that I can say!
Whether it is Saffron (the woman with a body and face covered in hair) or Molly and Faye (the conjoined twins blossoming into womanhood), the reader is taken on a journey where he/she gets to meet and engage these glorious wonders- and boy, wonders they are indeed!

The book itself is not necessarily plot driven, however, one quickly realises that it is all about the indulgence, the bond that is created between reader and characters. Dodd's writing is so effortlessly beautiful, so descriptive without being 'babbly'- and it so easily creeps into your heart. When you read this book, you can rest assured that the many wondrous characters that Dodd has created will stay with you for many years to come (I personally fell head over heels in love with Alex- the morphodite with a passion for passion). If only they could remain a part of your life forever... maybe write a sequel, Renee??